How to Avoid Religious Discussion

The wikiHow of the Day is How to Avoid Uncomfortable Conversations about Religion. It’s ironic that the one thing people need the most is often the last thing they want to think about.

If we are obeying Philippians 4:8,9, our conversation ought to always be Christ-honoring, Christ-exalting, Christ-glorifying, Christ-praising. He is our Way, our Truth, and our Resurrection and our Life. He is the Captain of our salvation, the Author and the Finisher of our faith.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you. Philippians 4:8,9, NASB

True. Honorable. Right. Pure. Lovely. Of good repute. Excellent. Worthy of praise.

Jesus is all of those things and more. You won’t find much of anything else which so exemplifies those traits. May we always think on Him — and truly, what fills our hearts and minds will pour out of our mouths as well, lest we be tempted with hypocrisy.

So often I’ve heard or read people saying that we shouldn’t “push” Christ on anybody. But when I look in the Scriptures, I don’t see anyone quieting the truth in order to save face or to forgo offending someone.

Offense is inevitable. Christ offended plenty of people, and He kept right on talking, making people wish He’d shut up. Paul was so outspoken about Christ that we find him being driven out of cities, only to go on to find out that he picked himself up and went right back in preaching Christ.

And I can’t even find the courage to share Jesus Christ with those around me on an almost daily basis. To my shame, I can answer the question “Where do you go to church?” by answering, “Christ Presbyterian,” but I find myself unable — or more likely, unwilling — to then ask, “What do you believe about the Christ?” or “Who do you say that Christ is?”

That question was important enough for Christ to ask His disciples, and the answer to is is the most important answer you could ever give in your life. Who do you say that Christ is?

Avoid religious discussions if you want to. Know that Christ didn’t. He loved talking to people. Peter, James, John, Paul, Timothy, and the others spread the message of the gospel far and wide, to places that had never heard of Christ before.

And in our time, in this nation, people think they know so much about Jesus that they don’t want to hear anymore. Ducking and dodging the question only bides time. One day we will all answer if we haven’t already: Who do you say that Jesus is?

1 thought on “How to Avoid Religious Discussion”

  1. Saw the wikiHow article myself and had some of the same thoughts.

    Your post is thought-provoking and convicting. I don’t hesitate to engage people in all kinds of conversation, but “religion” is rarely one them…unless I know for sure they are of “like mind.” (Note: I work with several people that have personally made it know to me that they do NOT believe the way I do and do not care to discuss the matter.)

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