The Glorious Snow

Falling Snow

It’s snowing today, and it’s expected to snow more throughout the weekend.

And frankly, that’s awesome. I love the snow. I don’t want to make this a long post — I simply don’t have the time for that — but I do want to say that the snow ought to serve as a reminder for us. After all, we know from the Scriptures that the snow falls wherever God bids it; oh, if only we could be so obedient. We also know from the Scriptures that through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, our sins, iniquities, and transgressions may be wiped away, leaving our hearts (and record before God) white as snow. Amen?

Yet one of the privileges (downsides?) of working in public retail is that I get to hear everyone’s — customer’s and coworker’s — opinions of the snow.

And by and large, it’s little else than complaining. Why is that?

Yes, snow is difficult to drive in, and yes, it is cold. Is that really worth discontent? I don’t get it.

But to make matters worth, I’m leaving for Florida within a day, and so for the past couple shifts at work I keep hearing how great it is that I’ll get to be in sunny, warm weather, blah blah blah. Stuff and nonsense. Bring the snow. I love it, though I won’t be here to enjoy it.

Will Florida be all it’s cracked up to be? Well, actually, probably not. I tend to have different tastes than most people, and tourism, beaches, water sports, and so on… Well, they just aren’t my cup o’ tea.

Needless to say, I’m packing several books. Hopefully I’ll return with some good blog ideas. Until then, stay tuned.

3 thoughts on “The Glorious Snow”

  1. I love this post.

    Part A.) Judgment on those who are malcontent about the snow.
    Part B.) Exposition on your discontendedness about having to go to Florida.

    I wish I could get time off to go to Florida. You’re a lucky fellow. Have fun. Send a post-card COD. :P Upload some pictures.

    Latest from Brandon: Overcoming: The Craving

  2. I love the snow – from Nov-Feb… Now, after we’ve had a taste of spring with 60+ degree weather, it’s hard to appreciate it as much.

    Have fun in Florida!

  3. lol! I’m by no means discontent about going to Florida; I’ll enjoy getting to add to my paltry list of “places I’ve been,” and I’m sure I’ll find plenty to do down there.

    Just of all the places to go… Florida’s never been high on my list. Sand, sun, and surf are for outdoors-types.

    Though, a little sun my do myself some good… If I don’t burn to a crisp first.

    And yes, Chris, that little bit of spring we were teased with was quite nice! I have to admit, everyone seems cheerier when the weather’s nice. :D

    Will definitely do my best to have fun while gone, and I’ll definitely post pictures (whether here, Flickr, FaceBook… somewhere!) when I get back. Camera’s already packed and ready.

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